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The Green Belt of Algiers

Algiers, Algeria

2016 - Ongoing
BiodiversityClimate ChangeGreen BeltGreen Spaces

Project Description

Approach Words: Environment Preservation, Participatory Approach, Urban Resilience

Public Policy Instruments: Communicative, Physical Intervention, Planning

The Green Belt of Algiers is an urban greening initiative launched in 20161. It integrates green spaces in the form of Agro Parks and allotment gardens with the city, forming a green belt around the capital2 3. The project is part of the broader Green Dam Initiativei, a massive anti-desertification operation designed to restore ecological balance in pre-Saharan regions4. The project also aligns with the Urban Management Plan for the Algiers Region, issued in 2010 and revised in 20155.

Title: Map of the Green Belt of Algiers.

Source: Click Here

Title: The location of Green Dam includes the whole of Algeria.

Source: Click Here

Title: Donyia Park, one of the Green Belt Parks.

Source: Click Here

Title: Planting and Parks Development for the Green Belt.

Source: Click Here

The project aims to improve environmental quality, enhance social well-being, and mitigate the effects of climate change in this part of Algeria through several primary objectives6:
•Protect agricultural land from urbanization7.
•Enhance natural spaces for leisure activities8.
•Improve air quality9.
•Promote biodiversity through the creation of green zones10.
•Contribute to the fight against climate change by reducing CO2 emissions11.
The first stage of a pilot intervention in this master plan includes two main types of green spaces: public gardens, such as the Tafourah Public Garden, inaugurated in 201612, Sofia Garden, and a collection of 23 Agro-Parks containing diverse agricultural trees such as orange, loquat, and vineyards. These Agro-Parks are located throughout several urban and peri-urban areas around Algiers, including Reghaïa, Rouiba, and Dely Ibrahim. These Agro Parks also include the Kheraïssia Park, 3.72 square kilometers, and Cheraga Park, 5.6 square kilometers13 14.

The green belt initiative also includes biodiversity conservation and restoration-focused activities. These involve rehabilitating and restoring damaged or destroyed ecosystems and restoring ecological connectivity15 16. Additionally, the initiative emphasizes local community involvement, engaging residents, non-profit workers, and farmers in tree planting and vegetation management activities17.
The Algiers Green Belt project is a collaborative initiative led by the Algerian government in partnership with regional authorities and local municipalities18. Funding for the project comes from a combination of national and regional public budgets. Additionally, non-financial contributions are made through the provision of land, labor, and expertise from both delegated state services and actively involved citizens19 20.
The project is being implemented in phases. The initial phase focuses on enhancing existing parks, while ongoing activities include tree planting and public awareness campaigns21.

Project Link, Endnotes and References

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