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Ramallah, Palestine

Small or Medium-sized City (<750,000 Inhabitants)

Note: The information on this page has been provided by the municipality / the local authority in this city.

Geographic Location and Area

Ramallah is a Palestinian city located in the West Bank. It is part of the Ramallah and Al Bireh Governorate. The city covers an area of approximately 18 square kilometers. Ramallah is situated at an elevation of around 880 meters above sea level, which gives it a relatively moderate climate. It serves as the de facto political and administrative center of the Palestinian National Authority, as it hosts numerous government institutions, ministries, and most foreign embassies and representations. Ramallah is also considered an important cultural center, as it hosts many cultural and artistic events throughout the year.
The neighborhoods of Ramallah include the following: Al-Reehan, Diplomats, Al-Kareneh, Al-Wad, Al-Narjis, Al-Tireh, Al-Musayyef, Al-Iza’a, Radana, Ain Misbah, Al-Jadwal, Qadura, Al-Qudeira, Al-Masyoun, Ain Manjed, Batn al-Hawa, Downtown, the Old Town, and the Industrial Area.

Ramallah has many prominent landmarks and is considered one of the most important Palestinian cities economically. It is home to numerous large companies and economic institutions. The City has also witnessed significant development in infrastructure, technology, and public services, making it an attractive destination for many Palestinians seeking employment opportunities and better services.

Title: Map shows the administrative boundary of the city.

Source: https://ramallah-gis.ps/ar_page.aspx?id=PgyVGpa1288673562aPgyVGp

City Demographics

Ramallah is considered one of the vibrant Palestinian cities that have witnessed notable population growth in recent decades. The population of Ramallah reached approximately 85,000 residents in 2024. According to the 2021 data from the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, the annual population growth rate ranges between 2% and 3%. Based on the growth rates, the population of Ramallah is expected to reach around 95,000 residents by 2030. Regarding the gender distribution, males constitute approximately 51% of the population, while females make up around 49%. The age distribution of the population is as follows:
• Children (0-14 years): Approximately 30% of the population.
• Youth (15-24 years): Approximately 20% of the population.
• Adults (25-64 years): Approximately 45% of the population.
• Elderly (65 years and above): Approximately 5% of the population.

The estimated percentage of foreign residents in the city, including diplomats and those working in international institutions, is around 2% of the population. Ramallah is considered an administrative, political, economic, and cultural center, which makes it a destination for many Palestinians from various parts of the West Bank. The estimated number of daily visitors to Ramallah is around 200,000, which is more than double the city’s population.

Title: Al-Manara Square - One of the Landmarks of Ramallah.

Source: Ramallah Municipality.

Title: Ramallah City Hall & Ramallah Park.

Source: Ramallah Municipality.

Title: Celebration of Lighting the Christmas Tree in the City of Ramallah.

Source: Ramallah Municipality.

Title: Palestinian Traditional Costumes in a Palestinian Folklore Show.

Source: Ramallah Municipality.

Environmental Situation

Ramallah is a mountainous city in Palestine, situated in the midst of the Jerusalem mountain range. The city enjoys a Mediterranean climate, dry in the summer and moderately rainy in the winter, with occasional snowfall. The average annual rainfall is 615 mm, but it suffers from water scarcity due to external circumstances. The city is also served by a water distribution network that operates irregularly.
It has a sewerage system, and wastewater is treated using MBR technology at the Al-Tireh treatment plant. A project has been implemented to reuse the treated water for irrigating public and private gardens, construction needs, and firefighting.

The city has suffered from factors that have contributed to the reduction of its green spaces, such as rapid population growth, various waves of migration, urban development, and other outer constraints. Nevertheless, the Municipality has carried out tree-planting campaigns in the city, increased the planting of trees in squares and public facilities, established new public parks (reaching 20 in number), and created a municipal nursery (producing 50,000 seedlings annually). The city also contains many native and rare plant and animal species and natural reserves, such as the ‘Ain Qiniya area.

The municipality is implementing multiple environmental projects, including:
• Environmental awareness projects that target all segments of society with a focus on school students, such as the “My City is Clean and Green” project, the environmental play, the Environmental Guardians project, the Healthy and Environmentally Friendly Schools program, the Environmental Film Festival, and the National Cleanup Day.
• Operational campaigns to rationalize water and energy consumption in the city include installing solar cells on its facilities, replacing traditional street lighting units with energy-efficient ones, and providing a smart solar-powered street lighting system.
• Facilitating the infrastructure for electric car companies and replacing the municipality’s vehicles with electric ones.
• Establishing a dedicated sports track for sports activities, specifically cycling and walking.
• A waste collection system that operates 24/7 throughout the week and transports waste to a sanitary landfill, a system to prevent nuisances, a list of fines and penalties, and a system to protect trees. Under the “Our Old is Our New” program, old clothes and furniture are also recycled.
• Adopting the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SEACAP) to adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change (reducing greenhouse gas emissions), and establishing a central climate emergency room.

City Economy

Ramallah is considered a main urban center and one of the most important Palestinian cities economically and culturally. It is characterized by its social and economic diversity. The city’s most prominent economic sectors include services, trade, technology, innovation, construction, and real estate development.

Ramallah plays a pivotal role as the seat of the Palestinian Authority, making the government sector a major source of employment. The government sector in the city includes various ministries and government institutions. The city’s service sector also includes a number of universities, hospitals, and health centers, making it an important center for education and healthcare. Additionally, Ramallah has a financial services sector that includes several banks and financial institutions playing a significant role in the local economy.
Regarding the commercial sector, Ramallah has a wide range of stores and markets that cater to the needs of the local population. The city also plays a vital role in international trade by importing and exporting goods in cooperation with other regions.
On the other hand, Ramallah is experiencing significant growth in the technology and startup sector, with many companies operating in software and modern technology. The city is equipped with an advanced digital infrastructure that helps support this sector.

Ramallah has witnessed significant urban growth, especially in the construction and real estate development sector, with new residential and commercial projects meeting the growing demand for housing units and commercial spaces. The infrastructure in this sector is being improved and developed, including roads and public facilities.

Housing in the City

Ramallah is considered one of the most attractive Palestinian cities for living. It is an important economic and administrative center that attracts workers in the private and public sectors, and the local and international non-governmental organizations sector. The demand for housing in Ramallah is also attributed to the development of the services provided by the Municipality. The relative development of the city’s infrastructure contributes to the continuous development of the real estate and construction sector.

Transportation and Mobility in the City

Not Available.
